Guilherme Stopa, 
Director of Photography, Cameraman and Editor with bachelor degree in Radio, TV and Internet. Experience: TV Cultura (2019); Post-production Coordinator - Singular Filmes (2019 -2020); Camera operation "Sonho e Destino" and "Aero por Trás da Aviação" Globosat (2020-2022); Cinematography direction "O Emponderável - Rede Record (2022); Photography direction for the documentary “Caminhos Da Folia” - Paulo Gustavo incentive law (2023). Currently works as an independent freelance professional with experience with major brands such as Dior, L' Oréal, Nike, Jeep, Phillip Plein, Mizuno, Wella, P&G, Santander, YouPro, Ifood among others. He also directs photography and post-production for the channel "The Box", accumulating millions of views on Youtube and social media.